Food insecurity is a chronic problem affecting many Inuit communities and is likely to predispose Inuit food systems to the negative effects of climate change. Using in-depth case studies, this project will identify and characterize the vulnerability of food systems in four regional Inuit centers (RIC) (Iqaluit, Arviat, Inuvik and Kuujjuak) to climate change as a basis for identifying adaptation entry points.
The work will focus specifically on the food security of at-risk populations within RICs in a changing climate, defined to include individuals who use community food programs on a regular basis and who by definition experience chronic food insecurity.
The project has five primary objectives:
1) Document and describe the nature of food insecurity among at-risk populations in RICs
2) Characterize the environmental, biological and socio-economic determinants of their food insecurity
3) Document coping strategies to manage food shortages
4) Examine the pathways through which climate change might affect food insecurity for at-risk peoples in RICs
5) Identify opportunities and priori-ties for adaptation intervention in the context of rapid current and future change.
The project will work closely with community members, has established partnerships with a number of regional and community organizations.
Study site locations
Iqaluit, Arviat, Inuvik and Kuujjuak
Local collaborations
Gwen Healey, Qaujigiartiit Health Research Centre (AHRN-NU), Iqaluit, NU
Shirley Tagalik, Arviat Health Com-mittee, Arviat, Nunavut
David Wilman and Elisapi Davidee-Aningmiuq, Iqaluit Tukisigiarvik So-ciety, Iqaluit, Nunavut
Susan Chatwood, Institute for Cir-cumpolar Health Research, Yellow-knife, NWT
Project contact information:
Dr James Ford
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Geography
McGill University